
Am atenționat Jugendamt cu privire la încălcarea drepturilor părinților Furdui 

Articole | 25/06/2021

Vă mulțumesc pentru semnăturile date Petiției pentru reîntregirea familiei Furdui din Germania. Încă mai aveți posibilitatea să o semnați. 

Luni am înregistrat semnăturile dvs la Jugendamnt, agenția Germaniei pentru "protecția" copiilor. Semnăturile au fost transmise prin Fedex / UPS și au ajuns luni, 14 iunie. Am transmis autorităților germane și următoarea scrisoare:

June 10, 2021

Jugendamt des Landkreise   

Via Federal Express / UPS / DHL

Vogteirstrase 19

29683 Fallingbostel



TEL. 49 5162 970 382

Re.: Petition for the Release of the Furdui Family's Children

Dear Sir / Madam:

I am an attorney in Houston, Texas and also the President of the Alliance of Romania's Families. The Alliance is a grassroots movement in Romania which promotes, among others, parental rights, both in Romania and in the European Union and beyond. We take parental rights and family oriented policies and practices very seriously and seek to intervene whenever and wherever parental rights are violated.

We have learned that during the last week of April 2021 the seven (7) children of Petru and Camelia Furdui have been taken away from the family by your institution. We have informed ourselves of the circumstances surrounding the seizure of the children and have been alarmed and shocked at the scandalous manner in which the German authorities have treated a family of immigrants, all of them Romanian citizens, with the exception of the two (2) smallest children who were born in Germany.

Romania's pro-family movement has launched a Petition requesting the immediate release of the children. The Petition can be viewed online.

I have been tasked with presenting this Petition to your Office with the respectful request that the children be immediately returned to their natural parents, without delay and unconditionally.

I am enclosing a hard copy of the Petition and of the signatures.

We will continue to monitor the actions of your Office and intend to inform the international community of the Office's actions or inactions.     


You may contact me regarding this matter by referencing the details in the letterhead. I may also be reached by email or by phone. Thank you for your courtesies.

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