
Petiție Internațională pentru Familia Furdui 

Petiții | 24/11/2021

Petiție Internațională pentru Familia Furdui

Mișcarea pro-familie din România, reprezentată prin Alianța Familiilor din România, împreună cu mișcarea pro-viață din România, reprezentată prin Pro-Vita (București), au înregistrat la biroul Cancelarului Germaniei o Petiție Internațională care solicită eliberarea cât mai grabnică a copiilor Furdui părinților lor.

Petiția a fost înregistrată pe 20 noiembrie cu prilejul Zilei Internaționale a Drepturilor Copilului. Postăm astăzi textul Petiției.


November 20, 2021

Chancellor of the German Republic

Office of the Chancellor

Willy Brandt Street 1

10557 Berlin, GERMANY

Via facsimile (49) 3018 10 272 2555

Email: internetpost@bundesregierung.de

Re.: International Petition in Support of the Petru and Camelia Furdui Family

Your Excellency:

We are a group of non-governmental organizations and members of civil society concerned about the violations of the religious freedom and parental rights of the family of Petru and Camelia Furdui from Walsrode, Germany.

The family's seven (7) children were unlawfully seized by Germany's Child Protective Services (Jugendamt) on April 26, 2021 due to the family's sincerely held Christian beliefs and parenting style.

The children were between one (1) and fifteen (15) years of age at that time.

Only one of the children was born in Germany. All others were born in Romania or Spain and, therefore, are citizens of the latter countries.

The seizure of the children was done without court order. This was a particularly reprehensible act, an undeniable reality, the head start of an arduous legal process which from the beginning was stacked against the parents, depriving them of impartial due process.

Due process is a fundamental feature of any civilized society and the grundnorm of any democracy and the rule of law. Without impartial due process civilization craters.

We have familiarized ourselves with the facts of the matter and are deeply disturbed that the children's seizure was motivated by the family's Christian faith and parenting style.

Events, interviews, court proceedings, statements made by Jugendamt officials, as well as statements made by court appointed experts and psychologists attest to the fact that the family's faith and religious values were at the core of the officials' decision to seize and then hold, in inhumane conditions, the children.

Jugendamt disapproved of the parenting style of the parents because it believes to be “based on the Bible,” and, therefore, incompatible with its parenting model.

We have also familiarized ourselves with the legal aspects of the matter, both as they relate to Germany's domestic legislation and international law. Jugendamt has violated the International Convention of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations on November 20, 1989.

Court documents reflect, rather plainly, that Jugendamt, and then the courts, refused to allow the parents and the children to speak Romanian during supervised visits.

This is totally unacceptable. While the older children speak German fluently, the rest of them and their parents do not. The parents and the children are immigrants from Romania.

This interdiction unlawfully imposed by Jugendamt works to the detriment of familial bonds, and intimidates the parents and the children alike. It turns Jugendamt officials into de facto spies of the German state.

The refusal to allow the parents and their children to communicate in their native language is cruel, a crass denial of parental rights and of the rights of the children to maintain their ethnicity and cultural identity.

Some of the Furdui children have been placed in foster homes with foster parents. They no longer go to Church, are raised by individuals who do not necessarily share the Christian faith or the belief in God of the children or of their biological parents, and have no interest in or appreciation for Christian values.

The children have habitually attended worship in Romanian in a Christian congregation in Walsrode where they fashioned their values and religious identity. The separation of the children from the biological family and their Church family is particularly painful and apparently designed to completely erase the children's Christian identity and Romanian identity.

These practices constitutes grave breaches of international law and are inhumane. They violate the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Among others, Jugendamt has violated Article 8 of the Convention which imposes on States the obligation to "preserve [the child's] identity," as well as Article 14 which emphasizes that States "shall respect the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion."

The harmful psychological impact of the sudden disruption in the daily lives and routine of the children is extensive and cannot be expressed in words.

It has caused the children unnecessary and unbearable pain, mental anguish, and mental discomfort. The children miss one another and they miss their parents. The German state is an auxiliary to this crime against the children and the family.

We are also outraged by the extreme hardship which Jugendamt has inflicted upon the Furdui family as a whole. The children's seizure has resulted in the family being dismembered into diverse parts, with the parents and their children living in different cities.

Earlier in the year the German Government released documents related to the Kentler Experiment which placed before the eyes of the entire world the inhumane manner in which Germany has treated innocent children in the past, intentionally placing them in the custody of sexual abusers and pedophiles.

See, The German Government Deliberately Placed Homeless Children With Pedophiles. The Kentler experiment: history’s most diabolical sexual experiment to date.

We are not insinuating that the Furdui children have been placed in equally toxic environments, but express legitimate concerns about the possibility of carelessness and abuse of a different nature being inflicted on them.

Adults do generally tend to abuse children to whom they are not connected by filial ties.

In closing, we respectfully ask The Office of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany to use its position and deploy its persuasive power to ensure that all children of Petru and Camelia Furdui are immediately and permanently returned to their biological parents.

Respectfully submitted,

  • Alianta Familiilor din Romania (Alliance of Romania's Families)
  • Asociația Centrul Educativ Misael
  • Asociația Down Art Therapy
  • Asociația Pro-Vita - Bucuresti
  • Asociația Romana de Hemofilie
  • Stephen Baskerville, PHD (Professor of State Studies, Collegium Intermarium, Warsaw)
  • Elena Black, DDS, PhD (Virginia)
  • Peter Costea, Attorney (Houston)
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